At The Creative Department, we work a problem from the inside out. We don’t start with how something should look, but rather what it should say, and to whom. Our focus is making sure we communicate the answer to a problem; the solution to a challenge; the message that can compel and inspire an audience to action.
The discovery process helps us make the connection between a client’s business challenges and goals, and the communication we produce. We study audience, economic client, competitive factors and industry trends. We set a strategy against which creative output will be evaluated.
We formalize project objectives and work together to visualize the criteria of good solutions. We get buy in. We push forward.
Some designers start here, but not us. Now that we know what we’re trying to solve, creative juices flow. Collaboration happens. Ideas are enhanced. Solutions emerge.
Once a winning solution surfaces, the unsung heroes of creativity take over: edits, approvals, quality control, coding and final art. We refer back to the strategy developed in the Discovery mode to ensure we are on track.
This might be everyone’s favorite part. We print, post, launch, broadcast, present or otherwise distribute the finished product. We watch, we test, we measure. We celebrate. And we get ready to start discovering all over again.
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step one is discovery
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