69Express Website
The Creative Department designed and developed the 69Express website as a community outreach tool so KDOT could inform and educate the public about the U.S.69 Expansion Project. The website’s content includes introductory content on Express Toll Lanes and other alternatives, opportunities for public comment and involvement, a library of resources and news stories, a section for Design/Build contractor materials, and upcoming construction communications and toll education collections. TCD designed, built and continues to update and maintain a site that changes constantly, as the 69Express project evolves.
Responsive Website Design/Build
UI/UX Design
Responsive website featuring current news and bulletins on Home page

Interactive timeline spanning more than two decades of activity on the U.S. 69 Expansion Project

The site features a broad range of research and informative graphics

Monthly analytics reports keep everyone on the broad client/agency team informed

Dozens of reports, fact sheets, articles, and other documents are catalogued and filtered in a robust Resource Center